Thursday, October 3, 2013

Day 7

Yesterday we walked 8.3 miles into Adamsville just 2 miles shy of md.  Today, with the help of a neighbor,  we walked 8.5 miles into Denton, md.  The couple who is helping us has been with their daughter at the hospital waiting for her to deliver their 1st grandchild-a month early! He just arrived and we are trying to stay out of the way.

Thru much deliberation,  we have a change of plans.   I am going to continue to walk but Bill is going to get our car and be my point man.  We will arrange to get back to VA and then back on the trail-asap.  I am a better walker than a hiker and I am feeling very strong. As good as the cart sounded it just won't work out.

Stay tuned. .......


  1. Thanks for the update Kath - we are with you all the way...

    1. Thanks, Mike! That's why you're my favorite younger brother. :)

  2. Glad to see you are staying flexible. Never accept defeat. Address each obstacle as it comes. Work each problem as they present themselves and perservere.

  3. What a great comment, Dr. Mark!
    Sending hugs to you both:)!

  4. I don't think any journey is a straight line except maybe in algebra, so Kathy and Bill, adjust your sails and I look forward to continuing with you on your adventurein the next chapter...always L.

  5. Another exciting opportunity for you Kathy...make the most of it...glad you are doing what is best for all. Just enjoy life!!
