Saturday, February 15, 2014

Fun day in Greensboro

Early morning going to  7 year old Elena ' s gymnastics meet. Sat on the bleachers from 8:30 - 11:30 watching some awesome little girls doing amazing things.   Elena got 2 ribbons and a medal.   What a little dynamo!   Had a nice lunch and then hung out at the house until brother Dana and wife Mary and sister Lynn came over at 5.  Enjoyed a great pizza dinner at Elizabeth 's to celebrate Dana's  62nd  birthday.  Then, we had the most delicious cupcakes from the best bakery!!!!!  Yum Yum!  It is so very nice sitting with family around the fireplace!

We had quite a show by the kids.  Jack dressed up as 'I don't know what' and danced gangnam style.   It was hilarious!   Elena danced to Pink's song "Just Give Me A Reason" and I have a feeling we will see her on a dance reality show someday.   A fun night!  :)

Siblings picture
Spouse picture
Birthday picture


  1. sounds like a "religious experience with brother dana and sister lynn..LOL
    Looks like fun was had by all. Glad you could help Dana celebrate his birthday.

  2. Lol!! Laurie, that crossed my mind too as I wrote it.
