Thursday, January 9, 2014

Day in Denver

Woweeeee, did we have a fun day today!  Took the light rail to downtown Denver with Mimi to watch the kick - off parade of the National Western Stock Show.   This is one of the biggest events for Denver all year.  The first thing we saw was the parade of the longhorns down the street.  They were surrounded by a whole bunch of REAL cowboys!  Can you imagine if any of them decided to run loose?  They were just amazing!  Then the rest of the parade was fancy Cowboys and cowgirls and all their decked out horses.  I truly enjoyed this parade!  

Walked all over downtown, along the 16th street Mall (pedestrian mall), visited the Tattered Cover bookstore (filled with comfy sofas, chairs, chaise lounges where you can sit and read your books), ate lunch at The Kitchen, headed over to the City Hall and Art Museum row. There was a beautiful christmas light show at the City and County building (see pic), and even got a haircut just like my sister's with her hairdresser.....very spur of the moment. We spent about 7 delightful hours in beautiful Denver!   Such a pretty city full of vitality and health!  Most likely we'll go back next week! !!  A great time with Mimi! ! 


  1. That sounds like so much fun! so glad you guys are taking the opportunity to experience each place you go to and to have family to share it with.

    1. Yep, Lynn, I am really enjoying Mimi and having fun doing Denver.

    2. Yep, Lynn, I am really enjoying Mimi and having fun doing Denver.
