Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Spent the morning just putzing - laundry,  baking,  cleaning.   Walked a seedy strip (pawnshops, loan, fast cash, car service places) looking for something interesting in the section of Englewood that we're in, but couldn't find it.  The day was mild, in the 40's and overcast.  Lots of snow/slush on the ground but we managed to walk for 1.5 hours.  It's nice seeing the mountains always on the west side of us.  The neighborhoods here are older, small, cute cottages placed really close to each other.  Came back to our little place and ate one of our freeze dried meals.  Went to dinner in beautiful downtown Littleton! !  Seriously gorgeous!   Ate at Merle's with Mimi and beautiful Marleigh.  Just a lovely 16 yr old niece. 

We'll do some more exploring tomorrow.


  1. Hello Bill, This is Lydia from GEICO. I'm glad to hear you and your wife are enjoying life. I wish you safe travelings...Be well.

  2. Merle's is a good place and Littleton is really nice. Glad you are enjoying the area.
